Course Offerings

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Spring 2020

CIVE 945: Structural Analysis and Design for Dynamic Loads

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 443/843: Advanced Structural Analysis and CIVE 842: Structural Dynamics; or permission.  
Behavior of structural materials and systems under various dynamic loads. Analysis and design for dynamic loads. Computational and analytical techniques. Selected laboratory demonstrations of the dynamic behavior of structural systems.

CIVE 221: Geometric Control Systems

Role: co-instructor (M. Ebrahim Mohammadi is lead instructor)
Prereqs: MATH 106: Calculus I  

Fall 2019

CIVE 443/843: Advanced Structural Analysis

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering.  
Matrix analysis methods and computer solutions for indeterminate structures.  Additional topics: static condensation, shear deformations, and non-prismatic members in matrix-based analyses, moment distribution method, load cases and load combinations for buildings and bridges, and influence lines and analysis for moving loads.

CIVE 221: Geometric Control Systems

Role: co-instructor (M. Ebrahim Mohammadi is lead instructor)
Prereqs: MATH 106: Calculus I  

Spring 2019

No courses offered. 

Fall 2018

CIVE 842: Structural Dynamics

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering or similar. 
Recommended: CIVE 443/843: Advanced Structural Analysis or similar.  
Dynamic behavior of civil engineering structures. Free and forced vibrations of multi degree-of-freedom systems. Response of continuous beam and frames. Elasto-plastic behavior. Dynamic loads on bridges. Analysis and design considerations for buildings and bridges subjected to seismic loadings. Application of computer-aided numerical procedures. 

CIVE 443/843: Advanced Structural Analysis

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering.  
Matrix analysis methods and computer solutions for indeterminate structures.  Additional topics: static condensation, shear deformations, and non-prismatic members in matrix-based analyses, moment distribution method, load cases and load combinations for buildings and bridges, and influence lines and analysis for moving loads.

Spring 2018

CIVE 945: Structural Analysis and Design for Dynamic Loads

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 443/843: Advanced Structural Analysis and CIVE 842: Structural Dynamics; or permission. 
Behavior of structural materials and systems under various dynamic loads. Analysis and design for dynamic loads. Computational and analytical techniques. Selected laboratory demonstrations of the dynamic behavior of structural systems.

Fall 2017

CIVE 443/843: Advanced Structural Analysis

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering. 
Matrix analysis methods and computer solutions for indeterminate structures.  Additional topics: static condensation, shear deformations, and non-prismatic members in matrix-based analyses, moment distribution method, load cases and load combinations for buildings and bridges, and influence lines and analysis for moving loads.

CIVE 898: Remote Sensing Tools in Civil Engineering

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: By permission only.  
An introduction to effective planning and deployment of remote sensing platforms for civil systems. 

Spring 2017

CIVE 443/898: Structural Analysis

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering. 
Continuation of analysis for structural systems. Matrix analysis methods and computer solutions for indeterminate structures. Moment distribution method. Introduction to analysis for non-linear effects. Note CIVE 898 is by instructor permission only. 

Fall 2016

No courses offered. 

Spring 2016

CIVE 945: Structural Design for Dynamic Loads

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 443/898: Advanced Structural Analysis and CIVE 842: Structural Dynamics; or permission. 
Behavior of structural materials and systems under various dynamic loads. Analysis and design for dynamic loads. Computational and analytical techniques. Selected laboratory demonstrations of the dynamic behavior of structural systems.

CIVE 443/898: Structural Analysis

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering. 
Continuation of analysis for structural systems. Matrix analysis methods and computer solutions for indeterminate structures. Moment distribution method. Introduction to analysis for non-linear effects. Note CIVE 898 is by instructor permission only. 

Fall 2015

CIVE 842: Structural Dynamics

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering or similar.  Recommended: CIVE 443: Advanced Structural Analysis or similar. 
Dynamic behavior of civil engineering structures. Free and forced vibrations of multi degree-of-freedom systems. Response of continuous beam and frames. Elasto-plastic behavior. Dynamic loads on bridges. Analysis and design considerations for buildings and bridges subjected to seismic loadings. Application of computer-aided numerical procedures. 

Spring 2015

CIVE 443: Structural Analysis

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering. 
Continuation of analysis for structural systems. Matrix analysis methods and computer solutions for indeterminate structures. Moment distribution method. Introduction to analysis for non-linear effects.

Fall 2014

CIVE 842: Structural Dynamics

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering or similar.  Recommended: CIVE 443: Advanced Structural Analysis or similar. 
Dynamic behavior of civil engineering structures. Free and forced vibrations of multi degree-of-freedom systems. Response of continuous beam and frames. Elasto-plastic behavior. Dynamic loads on bridges. Analysis and design considerations for buildings and bridges subjected to seismic loadings. Application of computer-aided numerical procedures. 

Spring 2014

CIVE 443: Structural Analysis

Syllabus Link

Prereqs: CIVE 341: Introduction to Structural Engineering. 
Continuation of analysis for structural systems. Matrix analysis methods and computer solutions for indeterminate structures. Moment distribution method. Introduction to analysis for non-linear effects.